How to Achieve Your Dreams Daily
Our dreams, and what we hope to achieve in this life, are expressions of our inner self, the soul. I know how it feels to have dreams so high that you feel overwhelmed by the thought of them. You begin to doubt yourself, and doubt the visions for you life that once made you feel certain. Its nice to create vision boards and ponder our future, but dreams don't become reality until we choose to work toward them every day.
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”
Daily action is the secret to all success. Proust, Yogi Bhajan, Goethe, Nietzsche and other figures throughout history all knew one thing - that our habits make us into who we are. Yogi Bhajan taught that through our daily devotion, our character as a person is created. If you want to embody the energy of a writer, athlete, business woman or the like, then you need to step into that energy through your daily action.
The way I see life is a series of moments. Each day is a small moment in our lives, but inevitably, makes up the entirety of our lives. While we are busy saying 'I'll do it tomorrow' we forget that our lives are happening right now. Why put off your dreams into the future, when you can achieve them today?
When I first started writing each day, it was a struggle. I would start off great for a few weeks, then fall into a lull and before I knew it months would go by where I wouldn't write at all. I became discouraged because it felt like I wasn't making headway in my plans. I realised soon enough that I was allowing my mind to take control of my feelings. The doubts that had been bottled up were spilling out into my daily life. Instead, I decided to see things differently.
“Walking one step toward the Guru’s feet, the True Guru walks millions of steps to welcome you”
Life is always there to help you, to hold your hand and to lead you to success. One step each day, no matter how small it seems to you, is enough for you to achieve your dreams. When you commit to your work, the energy of the cosmos propels you forward. All it requires is your daily action.
How To Plan Your Daily Action
The easiest way to ensure that you stay on track is to plan. I plan my weeks in advance, so that I know I can get everything done without worrying or stressing. The more organised you are, the less stressful your life will be because you don't have to keep tabs on everything at all hours of the day.
I like to download a weekly planner template and fill in a schedule that I think will work for me. The next step is to fill in all the time that is already taken up with obligations, like work, university, exercise and sleep. I schedule in my work times, gym schedule, when I eat and shower, and time to relax. Look at the gaps that you have left - these are the times you can dedicate to your dreams.
I have personally found that writing in the morning, after my meditation and short morning yoga practice, is the best way to ensure I get everything done. It only really needs to be 30 minutes a day to make a difference - you'll be surprised at how much you can get done in 30 minutes!
Pin your schedule up somewhere easy to see, so you can look at it everyday. See how you track with the times you scheduled in, and move things around if you find the schedule no longer works for you anymore. Flexibility is key to a successful life.
In the end, you'll feel far more confident in yourself and in achieving your desired future. Those dreams that swirl around in your head will no longer feel unattainable or lavish, but a true reality that you are building in the present moment.
Editing your first novel is hard. It‘s a difficult process that‘s entirely self-directed, and if you don‘t have a map of how to approach the process, it‘s utterly daunting.